Behind the Scenes: The Craftsmanship of Winstaco

The creation of a Winstaco staircase is a journey from concept to completion, blending art, precision, and teamwork. This closer look at our process reveals how each staircase becomes more than just a way to move between floors—it becomes a masterpiece of design and function.

Starting with a Vision

Every project begins by diving into the architectural plans and understanding what our clients dream of. We use these ideas to make a 3D visualization of the staircase in its intended space. This helps everyone see how the finished product will look and ensures we're all aiming for the same goal.

Planning with Precision

Turning the vision into reality requires exact measurements and detailed plans. Every part of the staircase has to fit perfectly, not just for looks but for safety too. We gather all the necessary info from the construction site to plan how we'll install the large steel structures. We need to know everything about the space to make sure the stairs not only fit but also match the building's style and structure.

The Art of Making

When it's time to build, we cut the steel parts with a laser for pinpoint accuracy. Bending the metal for curved parts and welding everything together is a big job. It's not just about joining the pieces—it's about making sure they all come together smoothly and look great. After welding, we grind down the seams so everything looks neat and finished. This stage is crucial; it's where the staircase starts to really take shape.

Putting It All Together

After the base of the staircase is ready, we take it apart to move it to its new home. This might sound strange, but it's all part of the plan. It ensures we can get the staircase into the building and set it up without a hitch. Then, we reassemble it piece by piece, making sure everything is just right.

The Final Touch

Now comes the part where the staircase really starts to shine. We add the treads, handrails, and any final details. This could be paint, lacquer, or oiling, depending on what the design calls for. We might also add extras like carpets or LED lights to make the staircase not just a step but a feature of the home.


Making a Winstaco staircase is a process that requires a lot of skill, planning, and teamwork. From the first sketches to the final touches, we work hard to make sure every staircase is something special. It's not just about getting from one floor to another; it's about adding beauty and function to your home.

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